Lynette Redding Cervantes -

My husband and I had our own truck and trailer and drove as a team. We have been to all 48 continental states AND Canada. We delivered 30 miles from Niagara Falls and got paid to be there. How cool is that? We used to call ourselves paid tourists. We have been snow skiing in Canada as well as Salt Lake City. There's an old saying that a bad day fishing is still better than a good day at work. Well, I personally don't think that guy was a truck driver! I absolutely loved being a female owner-operator. I loved my beautiful picture window in my mobile office. The freedom is intoxicating. There is no wage discrimination in trucking. That puts any woman who gets her CDL on an even playing field with any man. Again, how cool is that?
When I discovered that Mr. Rojas was looking for Instructors, I jumped at the chance. The way I see it: in a small way, I am giving back. I am giving back to Del Mar College because it helped me to become as successful as I was able to be. I am giving back to the community that is fortunate enough to have Del Mar College. And I am giving back to the students that attend our program. I loved trucking, and I thoroughly love instructing. Taking the Truck Driving Course at Del Mar plus all those years on the road have prepared me for this dream job. Nothing makes me happier or prouder than when our students succeed. A female graduate told me once that she paid more in taxes as a trucker than she ever made at her last job. How incredible is that?
So how has Del Mar College changed my life? Because of the opportunity afforded me by Del Mar College, I was capable of excelling in the trucking industry. I started out helping my husband, and it turned into a woman-owned trucking company of my own. I was able to buy my own brand new truck. I was able to thrive in a mostly male dominated career. I attribute my success to my God, my husband Steve, and Del Mar College. To all three, I owe a debt of gratitude. Thank you!

I fell in love at DMC. I loved the inner workings of the diesel engine. I loved the backing exercises, the double clutch shifting, all of it. I had once thought a trucker just got in, started up, and went. I soon learned there was a lot more to it. And, yes, I even loved that! There are responsibilities associated with being a professional driver. I embraced it all.

“Thanks to Del Mar, I was able to thrive in a male dominated career in the trucking industry. Size and gender don’t matter at Del Mar. Passion matters.”